Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This is old but I still like it.

As Fact

some mornings,
i would love to run away from being me.
to stop wondering.
to stop thinking.
to have quiet in my mind.

some nights,
i wonder what my polar opposite did while i was doing everything that was expected of me.
did she dance on bar tables?
make love to strange and random people?
did that really make her any happier than i was at the time?
is not caring about anything the answer or the question?

some afternoons,
i wonder what would happen if i just kept driving and never turned back.
if i left everything behind, would anyone notice?
if i fell of the face of the earth, who would look for me?
if i jumped, would anyone follow me?

But other mornings,
i love being me.
i care.
i have my own ideas.
my mind is a blur of thoughts and sounds and ideas that brighten the world's glare.

Some nights,
i know that my polar opposite had to learn how to just be her self just like i did.
i know that not caring is not an option.

Some afternoons,
i long to look back.
i know that if i fell off the face of the earth that others would fall with me.
and if i jumped, souls would die.

life has sometimes that you know and sometimes you dont know.
some mornings leads to other afternoons and every night.
none will ever be the same as the other.
know that as fact.

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